Wealth Inequality Research

Dr. Mariko Chang has more than two decades of experience in researching the wealth gap, especially as it pertains to women and minorities.

Wealth matters because it allows people to make ends meet if they lose their job, face a large unexpected expense, or cannot work due to illness; wealth can be passed from generation to generation; wealth can be used as collateral for loans; and wealth helps support people during retirement.


Shortchanged: Why Women Have Less Wealth and What Can Be Done About It

This book by Mariko Chang is a comprehensive portrait of where women and men stand with respect to wealth. Shortchanged not only sheds light on why women lack wealth, but also offers solutions for improving the financial situation of women, men, and families.

The Color of Wealth in Boston

The widening wealth gap in the United States is a worrisome sign that millions of families nationwide do not have enough in assets to offer better opportunities for future generations. On the basis of data collected using the National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color (NASCC) survey, when analyzed by race, wealth accumulation is vastly unequal.

The Color of Wealth in Boston, a 2015 publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Duke University, and The New School, focuses on estimates for U.S. born blacks, Caribbean blacks, Cape Verdeans, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans in the Boston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

Analysis shows that with respect to types and size of assets and debt held, the data collected on white households and nonwhite households exhibit large differences. The result is that the net worth of whites as compared with nonwhites is staggeringly divergent.

LIfting as we climb: women of color, wealth, and america’s future

"Lifting as We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth, and America's Future" examines the wealth gap between women of color and the rest of the population, a gap that significantly limits the economic prospects of future generations and holds back the progress of the American economy.

Women and Wealth: Insights for Grantmakers

“Women and Wealth: Insights for Grantmakers” provides funders with the tools to address these wealth gaps while maximizing the impact of their investments to create a more socially and economically just society.

public appearances and media

Mariko Chang has discussed her wealth inequality research in public appearances with the Washington Area Women's Foundation and the Urban Institute, Democracy Now!, and Stanford University’s Clayman Institute for Gender Research, among others, and in numerous op-eds and articles.