Program Evaluation Services

Good intentions and a commitment to diversity are often not enough.

Whether increasing the number of faculty of color or women graduate students in the sciences and engineering, improving diversity is challenging for universities. In order to recruit and retain diverse faculty and graduate students, it is important to examine experiences and the structural factors that affect satisfaction and productivity.

Mariko Chang Consulting, Inc. provides strategic evaluation services to evaluate program effectiveness and efficiency and to contribute to continuous program improvement. Areas of focus and clients are listed below.


faculty recruitment, retention, and promotion

Studies to better understand the experiences of faculty that affect recruitment, retention, and promotion


Diversity among students and faculty in higher ed

Best practices for increasing diversity of women and underrepresented minority faculty and students in science, technology, education, and mathematics (STEM) higher education fields


External Evaluation of grants

Specializing in external evaluation of federally-funded initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion


Current and Recent Clients

Universities, Community Colleges, and
Professional Organizations

NSF ADVANCE grants (IT, Catalyst, Partnership, etc.)

Arizona State University (IT)
Association for Women in Science
Bridgewater State University (Catalyst)
Clemson University (IT)
Florida Atlantic University (Catalyst)
Florida International University (IT)
Howard University (IT)
Montana State University (IT)
Oregon State University (IT)
Purdue University (IT)
Seattle University (IT)
Syracuse University (IT)
University of California, Davis (IT)
University of California, Santa Barbara (PLAN)
University of Delaware (IT)
University of Houston (IT)
University of Maine (IT)
University of Massachusetts Amherst (IT)
University of Massachusetts Lowell (IT)
University of New Hampshire (IT, Partnership, PAID)
Villanova University (IT)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Adaptation)


American Institute of Physics, NSF, Div. of Astronomical Science
Bristol Community College (ATE)
Clemson University (NRT, RED)
Fort Hays State University (GOLD)
Iowa State University (LSAMP, NRT, EAGER, I3)
Montana State University (GSE)
Temple University (LGB Survey)
University of Connecticut (NRT, IGERT)
University of Maine (TRELIS)
University of Michigan (Collaborative Research)
University of Missouri-Columbia (RCN)
University of New Hampshire (INCLUDES)
University of California, Davis (S-STEM)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Women’s Impact Network)


University of California, Merced (NASA MIRO)

other clients

Brown University, Office of the VP for Academic Development, Diversity and Inclusion
Harvard University (Pre-Tenure Ladder Minority Faculty Study)
Johns Hopkins University, Institute for NanoBioTechnology